Training disasters and how to avoid them - ActiveEquip

Our Top 4 Hated Pre and Post-Training Disasters - and How you can Solve Them

The Unnatural Un-Ultra /Ultra Runner Reading Our Top 4 Hated Pre and Post-Training Disasters - and How you can Solve Them 2 minutes Next A Time of Crisis

We have all had it happen – about to head out on your long training session, you are prepping everything ready to go and there it is staring back at you…

Empty shelves…

Yep, you are out of your favourite, most trusted nutrition or hydration…

Insert horrible gastric training disaster here (we have heard and seen some absolute classics too!).

Or worse yet, you get all your nutrition prepped and you are ready to go… all that is left to do is lube up to avoid being torn to shreds by the sheer activity you love doing.

Only to discover that the amount you have left isn’t enough to even cover your big toe…

Fast track to the end of your session when you get home and jump in the shower… suddenly you could become the Australian Opera’s latest soprano or the lead actor in Hitchcock’s Psycho

The final tragedy though is when you go to put on your favourite socks that have been in high rotation for the month…

And there staring back at you…

Is your toe.

What could possibly trump all of these, I hear you ask…For those of us that prefer to train outdoors it is the dreaded sunburn!

The horrendous feeling of baking from the outside in, with the post-fun of peeling, blisters and pain so bad you can’t take the punishment of anything touching you.

It always seems to last so much longer than you think it will.

This too would have been easily avoided had you remembered to pick up some more sunscreen on the way home from work the other night, but yep you forgot to do that as well.

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